Sunday, October 22, 2006

To Bolivian And Back Again

...So I'm back. Been busy at work and home, and too tired to write. My promised "next post" was foiled by none other than Paul Krugman, who wrote on that same subject: that voting in this election and next should be on party lines, regardless of the individual. Any Republican elected to office is going to enable the Bush Administration, and we can't afford that.

Here in Connecticut I had a certain regard for both Chris Shays and Nancy Johnson. Whenever I heard of Shays, he was speaking sense against some Republican position; and I had heard nothing against Johnson (neither of whom represent my district). Now, however, not only do I think they should be kicked out just for being Republican, they have been showing their true colors; Johnson's ads have been truly misleading and mendacious, and Shays is allowing his mouth to override his brain.

The polls here show Lieberman in the lead over Lamont; wherever you see a cluster of GOP yard signs, there is sure to be a "I'm Sticking With Joe" sign among them. He is the pet of the right wing, and we can only hope Lamont comes through. My own yard boasts two Lamont signs, a Courtney for Congress sign (US 2nd District) and a "Had Enough? Vote Democratic" sign.

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