Thursday, September 28, 2006


I have been away for a bit, having a personal life. I have accumulated a whole backlog of links and opinions, but they essentially boil down to this:

Congress is about to legalize torture, and the indefinite detention (without recourse to lawyers, or judges, or anything) of anyone the administration decides is an enemy combatant, with that term expanded to include, well, anyone. Including American citizens on U.S. soil.

The only reason they are letting the illegal wiretapping remain illegal is because they can't get their act together in time to pass a bill exculpating Bush and his minions for their crimes.

The march to Iran continues.

And so, to quote Vonnegut, it goes.

And I just dropped $400 replacing the ignition switch on my 11-year-old Honda minivan. We don't even have a heavy keyring; it just went. Which actually isn't bad when you spread that and the other minor repairs over 11 years, I guess.

Go read Digby, all of it. It'll do ya good.

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