Friday, September 15, 2006

K-k-k-katie, You're My Lady

From Atrios, comes this pointer to a Media Matters article on the new CBS Evening News feature, "Free Speech."

Seems that after over a week, they have had several right-wingers, including Rush Limbaugh (!), to present their take on things, but no left or progressive speakers. Who would have guessed? That's your liberal media at work.

Gerson is the third Republican or conservative to be featured in the "Free Speech" segment since it debuted on CBS on September 5 -- he followed nationally syndicated radio host Rush Limbaugh and former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani. In that time, not one progressive media figure or Democrat has been featured.

Gerson, who left the White House in June, was recently hired by The Washington Post as an op-ed columnist.

I read that on her first night (I don't watch it myself), Katie said that she was going to help temper the discourse, and on hand to help her? Good ol' Rush, who single-handedly manages to inflame that same discourse. There's a reason I don't watch.

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